Kids playing with colorful blanket outside

What to Consider in a Homeschool Co-op for Your Homeschool CEO Family

Posted by Jen Myers
August 20, 2020
A few weeks ago, I wrote about the many different ways that you can socialize your homeschooled kids and I cited joining a homeschool co-op as one of your choices. What is a co-op, anyway, and how do you know which one is the right fit for your Homeschool CEO family? What is a Homeschool […]
Girl looking at another girl with a magnifying glass

10 Creative and Fun Ideas to Start a New Homeschool Year

Posted by Jen Myers
August 6, 2020
A new school year is about to begin and you might already be so excited to dive in. However, your kids may not be so enthusiastic to say goodbye to their summer vacation just yet.   Don’t worry! You can make them look forward to a new homeschool year by preparing some fun things to do […]
School trip outdoors, teacher pointing to something and children looking

12 Fun Ways to Socialize Your Homeschooler

Posted by Jen Myers
July 30, 2020
Socialization is usually one of the major concerns of parents who are still deciding whether to homeschool their children or not. They’re normally concerned that staying at home will prevent their kids from interacting with others and making friends, which is something that can be easily done in a classroom. It’s a valid concern. However, […]
Women sitting at desk smiling

How to Prep for a New Homeschool Year

Posted by Jen Myers
July 16, 2020
It’s just about the middle of summer right now and you might be taking a break from homeschooling. However, summer is also the time to prepare for the upcoming homeschool year.  Preparing for your school year in advance contributes greatly to the success of your homeschool especially for a Homeschool CEO who’s also running a […]
Boy and girl reading a book outdoors

10 Fun Ideas for Summer Homeschooling

Posted by Jen Myers
July 2, 2020
A couple of weeks ago, I shared with you a few reasons why Homeschool CEOs should homeschool in the summer. Now that summer is in full swing though, you might be wondering what types of homeschool activities you can do with your kids. Well, just because you’re homeschooling in the summer doesn’t mean that you […]
Family in bed sick, blowing their nove

5 Reasons Why Homeschool CEOs Should Homeschool in the Summer

Posted by Jen Myers
June 18, 2020
If your homeschool family follows the regular school calendar, you are most likely on summer break right now. You may not be spending the summer doing what you initially planned to do due to the Coronavirus, but you’re still taking a break from school work before starting another year. But did you know that there […]
Boys playing football

6 Things to Evaluate at the End of Your Homeschool Year

Posted by Jen Myers
June 4, 2020
As you wrap up your homeschool year, it's important to stop and take some time to evaluate how the year went. This will allow you to figure out what worked and what didn't and give you a better basis for making decisions on how to do things in the next homeschool year.  What exactly do […]
Mom on the phone with her two daughters

Deschooling for Homeschool CEOs

Posted by Jen Myers
May 28, 2020
Millions of kids and parents all over the world are stuck at home together right now because of the Covid-19 pandemic. A lot of these kids had no choice but to continue doing school at home by going online to have a meeting with their teacher and classmates then finishing assigned work on their own […]
Families eating lunch outdoors

How to Convince Your Spouse to Get on Board with Homeschooling

Posted by Jen Myers
May 21, 2020
The decision on how to go about a child’s education is usually something that both parents agree on together. It’s an important decision to make because it will affect the child’s educational journey and ultimately, his or her future as well.  This is also true when it comes to deciding whether to homeschool or not. […]
Two small girls at a park smiling

How to Homeschool With Littles

Posted by Jen Myers
May 14, 2020
Homeschooling while also running a business can be challenging enough. What more if you still have preschoolers, toddlers, or babies to take care of too? Let’s get real. Little ones are a handful. They demand a LOT of our time and attention. It can be hard to figure out how to attend to them, homeschool, […]

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Hi there, I'm Jen!

With 18 years of entrepreneurship and homeschooling experience, I am on a mission to help entrepreneurs successfully homeschool their kids WHILE running a profitable business.

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