Episode 36 – Thriving in Crisis While Homeschooling and Running a Business with Tara Bushaw

December 1, 2020

Sometimes life throws us curveballs unexpectedly and it’s up to us to decide how to handle it. What do you do to rise to the occasion?

For Tara Bushaw, that meant pulling her kids out of school to homeschool them and leaving her job in order to work freelance and eventually start a business.

Tara is a married mom of 8 who homeschools 5 kids still remaining at home. She’s on the podcast today to share with us her amazing story of what she did to support her family after her spouse and several of her children experienced unexpected medical issues, including a stroke, a heart attack, diabetes, hearing loss, and down syndrome among others.

She shares how these tragedies inspired her to start homeschooling and freelancing and how those led to her creating a business that helps parents and caregivers start freelancing with skills they already have so they too can be where it matters most.

If you’re facing a crisis in your life and wish you had more freedom and flexibility to process things and define success in your own terms, you’re going to be amazed by Tara.

What you'll learn

  • how Tara accidentally got into freelancing when her second child was diagnosed with hearing loss and while pregnant with baby #3
  • what happened when her husband got a stroke while she was pregnant with baby #7 and the other curveballs that happened to her family
  • the pivotal moment that triggered and inspired her to start her own business in 2018
  • what helped her keep going and emerge victorious during the hard times
  • what sparked the idea for their family to start homeschooling
  • her advice for those who are starting homeschooling in the midst of a crisis
  • when and why they started child-led learning and how they did it with their kids
  • how she handles other people questioning their decision to homeschool
  • her biggest challenge with managing life as an entrepreneur with homeschooling
  • Tara’s advice for her younger self when she had first decided to blend entrepreneurship with homeschooling

Tara is such a master at creating lemonade out of lemons. Her inspiring story is just proof of how both homeschooling and entrepreneurship provide us with the freedom and flexibility to handle whatever life throws at us.


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In times of tragedy, the last thing you wanna have to worry about is your child and work and having that work guilt and worrying about bills.
~ Tara
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After all the stuff that we’ve been through, I feel like people should be able to work around their life schedule not live around their work schedule.
~ Jen
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Rather than always looking at what you don’t have, look at ‘it could be worse’. It could always be worse.
~ Jen
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When it becomes this incredible beautiful tapestry that’s when we step into what we’re really meant to do
~ Jen
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If you’re in the midst of something, give yourself grace. Your kids aren’t gonna get behind. They got Google.
~ Tara
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(On being a Homeschool CEO) It’s not an either/or lifestyle and I’m so thankful for that.
~ Jen
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When you can start pulling all of life’s experiences and pull them into actually schooling, that’s homeschooling.
~ Tara

Meet your host - Jen

With 20 years of entrepreneurship and homeschooling experience, I am on a mission to help entrepreneurs successfully homeschool their kids WHILE running a profitable business.

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