What do you get when you combine international travel, military life, entrepreneurship, and homeschooling? A world class opportunity unlike any other!
Our guest today is Anna Larson, from NomadAbout. Her nomadic family, which includes her husband, 2 kids, plus a fur baby, has spent the past 16 years living overseas and visiting as many countries as they can while homeschooling and running a business.
Anna shows us how putting down roots is not a must to run a successful business, and how it’s possible to make the entire world your classroom!

Really, homeschool was kind of like the only option. I was reluctant, but once I started, I tell you, it was so much fun. I loved it. I absolutely loved it.
~ Anna

It was really frustrating as a professional because I was literally stalled out at some point in time from being able to progress professionally just because of my husband’s job and the lifestyle, how we were living.
~ Anna

I tried hard to take the experiences that I was having in the moment and now I can go back and incorporate them into what I’m writing, how I write, who I write to. I realize that it really did build my ability to reach a wider audience maybe or speak to a larger group of people and maybe because I was forced to not be able to be working during those times. I had to be more in the moment and be present with what I was doing right then and there.
~ Anna

I traveled to deep remote parts of the country of Uganda and met amazing people. It’s the kind of thing where I’m like ‘Someday I’m gonna write a book about this’, because it was that kind of deep heart, soul-stirring kind of experience that I’m like “This is something not anyone and everyone just gets to do.
~ Anna

Over these years, I have really grown to love the process of watching my children learn. Like, seeing them catch on to some concept, learn a concept when that light goes off in their head and they’re like ‘I get it now! I know how to do this’. I love that like that is one of the big highlights of my day.
~ Anna