Let’s be real. Balancing your life as homeschool mom and businesswoman is no walk in the park especially in the beginning. While every day might look different, each one will most likely be filled with many things to do. How then should you structure your day so that you can manage your time well between homeschool mom and CEO duties?
How you structure your day depends on a lot of things such as the nature of your business, your family’s lifestyle, and your homeschool style as well. However, no matter what your personal situation is, here are some tips that can help you create a structure that works for you.
Start early in the day.

People work best at different times of the day, so this might not work well for everyone. However, there are many benefits to waking up earlier than your family.
You can use this time to relax and have alone time. It’s a good time as well to take out your planner and see what you have scheduled for that day. You can also do some chores. Since there’s no distractions, it’s also a great time to get a lot done for your business.
Set your work and homeschool hours.

It’s natural to feel attached to your business, but it can also make you feel like work is always there. It can become very distracting when you’re trying to do non-work-related tasks such as homeschooling.
Setting your work hours allows you to just focus on what’s at hand. Your undivided time and attention will be needed especially when homeschooling younger kids. Having a set time for both work and homeschool will enable you to give your best to both.
For example, you can divide your day into morning, afternoon, and night then assign specific activities for each one depending on your needs. There’s no one schedule that will work for all families. There’s no rule that says you can only homeschool in the morning. Some families actually homeschool at night because the parents need to work during the day.
Once everyone is used to a schedule, it will begin to feel like a natural rhythm for everyone and it will be easier to transition from one task to the next.
Carve time for errands or chores.

If you can hire help who can assist you with your errands and chores, that’s great. For some of us though, that’s not a possibility, so you’ll need to carve some time for these as well.
Maybe you can run some errands on a light day or when you’ll be out anyway to take the kids to co-op. If your weekdays are too full, then consider just doing one major chore a day or doing all of them on the weekends.
Make time for family time.

In the middle of all the things that need to get done, it’s sometimes so easy to neglect family time. However, we must always go back to our main WHY. Why do we homeschool? Why do we choose to run a business?
It’s mainly because of our family, so let’s be more intentional about making time each day for the people that matter most to us.
The key to structuring your day is to make it in such a way that allows you to take care of the most important things. Take note though that as things change, you will need to restructure your day again. Be flexible and be open to change.