Episode 5 – Chaos to Calm: Learn the Power of Systems, Delegation and Mindset with Laura Hernandez

May 18, 2020

How do you create systems that take chaos to calm to your homeschooling, business, and mom duties?

Listen in as I chat with Laura Hernandez of Mama Systems about her success in taking her family chaos to calm through systems and processes.

Learn about rhythm and routine, how to view schedules and systems as your ticket to freedom and not a burden, and find out how to squeeze in a date night on top of everything.

Living in chaos or not, this is an episode you shouldn’t miss!

What you'll learn

  • In This Episode, You’ll discover:
  • Laura’s “life of survival” before having systems in place
  • The value of releasing mom guilt on delegating
  • Why seeking experts to help you with mindset is important
  • Being intentional with your time
  • The strategy of creating ‘blocks of time’
  • Laura’s homeschooling priorities
  • The mindset to injecting extra-curricular activities with a busy schedule
  • The power of discovering your voice and being assertive
  • Releasing the shame of offering your services in the time of Covid-19
  • Overview of Laura’s chaos to calmness mastermind
  • How to motivate your kids to do household chores
  • How to do unschooling intentionally
  • How to measure your homeschooling milestones

This episode reminds me that we can’t do it all, and it’s okay. Nobody does! You can, and you should get help when you need it. There is no shame in having the support to be the best mama you can be.

Laura’s vulnerability and humble heart are her secrets to success in creating a life of calm for her family. That you can do, too!


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“Just because you delegate things out, it does not make you a bad mom.”
~ Laura
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“It would be so great if we as mamas could raise up a generation of kids that are self-sufficient, and capable of going out to the world and taking initiative and doing hard things..”
~ Jen
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“We’re better moms when we delegate because the kids get the best of us instead of what’s leftover.”
~ Jen

Meet your host - Jen

With 20 years of entrepreneurship and homeschooling experience, I am on a mission to help entrepreneurs successfully homeschool their kids WHILE running a profitable business.

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