Episode 41 – How to Raise Antiracist Kids with Dr. Monea Abdul-Majeed

January 12, 2021

Part of being a homeschool parent is learning to talk to our kids about the hard stuff, and one of those things is antiracism. You might think that you are antiracist and that you already know what antiracism means. However, our podcast guest for today encourages us to go beyond just saying “I’m not racist.”

Dr. Monea Abdul-Majeed joins me on today’s episode to talk about Authentic Antiracism. She is a Racial Equity Strategist, Antiracism Trainer, 500-hour Certified Yoga Teacher and homeschool mom, who leads organizations and wellness spaces to racial equity through training, strategy, and her 4 R approach: reflection, relationships, restoration, and resilience.

She shares with us how we can be more aware of the racist messages and biases that we encounter in our everyday lives and what we can do to change our attitudes and behaviors. Dr. Monea also shares how we can learn more about antiracism and how parents like us can raise antiracist children.

What you'll learn

  • the importance of unlearning the racist messages we are told in order to change our attitudes and behaviors
  • what is Authentic Antiracism
  • the 4Rs of authentic anti-racism work
  • how we can be more aware about racist messages and biases we encounter in our everyday life
  • why it’s not okay to just be not racist
  • the 3 forms of racism: internalized, interpersonal, and systemic racism
  • how parents can raise antiracist children
  • what a Courageous Conversations Model is and how you can do it
  • Dr. Monea’s Authentic Antiracism course for leaders and parents

My conversation with Dr. Monea truly made me pause and think. There is still so much to learn about authentic antiracism and it’s important that we start learning now so that we can raise antiracist kids and even possibly change an entire generation.


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White supremacy is the sea we all swim in just by the nature of being born in the United States.
~ Dr. Monea
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Racism affects us all and we all have the work of unlearning the racist messages that we are told.
~ Dr. Monea
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Mindfulness is about noticing. It’s about awareness.
~ Dr. Monea
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Anti-racism says it’s not about power hoarding. It’s about power sharing
~ Dr. Monea
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The internal work is the most important work.
~ Dr. Monea
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I don’t think it’s enough to say ‘I’m not racist.
~ Dr. Monea
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It continues to harm because we don’t talk about it. We have to name it to tame it.
~ Dr. Monea

Meet your host - Jen

With 20 years of entrepreneurship and homeschooling experience, I am on a mission to help entrepreneurs successfully homeschool their kids WHILE running a profitable business.

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