Episode 3 – Minimalist Mindset: Setting Your Homeschool Priorities with Zara Fagen, Ph.D.

May 16, 2020

Do you struggle with feelings of not being enough and of not doing everything with your homeschooling? Can you apply the minimalist mindset to your homeschooling?

Get ready to be blown away with answers because my guest for today’s episode is best selling author, blogger, speaker, and fellow homeschool CEO, Dr. Zara Fagen. She and her husband run multiple successful businesses while homeschooling their four kids. Talk about an awesome partnership!

Zara dealt with much insecurity towards her homeschooling approach before discovering the system that she has now. She talks about the value of only focusing on what’s the best use of your time and of not measuring your success based on other people’s standards. Finally, we talked about how you too can apply a minimalist mindset to homeschooling regardless of what method of homeschooling you use.

If you want things simple, this is the episode for you!

What you'll learn

  • The overwhelm and insecurity that come with homeschooling
  • What a homeschooling ‘season’ is
  • Zara’s strategy in choosing ‘majors’ and ‘minors’
  • The minimalist mindset approach to homeschooling
  • How to handle extracurricular activities
  • The value of setting unstructured/downtime for your kids
  • The advantage of having your kids around as you do business
  • The blessing of having a homeschooling lifestyle
  • What gift you’re giving your kids because of homeschooling
  • The value of finding your community and getting support as a Homeschool CEO
  • Charlotte Mason approach vs minimalist mindset approach
  • How to do unschooling intentionally
  • How to measure your homeschooling milestones

As entrepreneurs, we spend so much time creating a lifestyle of flexibility and freedom, and then we relinquish it to the school system? Learn that you have a choice.

If you have doubts, know that it’s OK. You will gain confidence when you start focusing and spending your time where it’s most valuable.


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Get real with yourself about what’s working and what’s not.
~ Zara
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If you’re a business owner if you have any mind for sort of processes and filtering things and having a hierarchy of priorities, feel free to transfer that mindset to your homeschool because everybody will thrive once you’re confident in spending your time where it’s most valuable.
~ Zara
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I’m not an entrepreneur because I homeschool. I homeschool because I’m an entrepreneur.
~ Zara
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If homeschooling feels hard, you’re doing it wrong.
~ Jen

Meet your host - Jen

With 20 years of entrepreneurship and homeschooling experience, I am on a mission to help entrepreneurs successfully homeschool their kids WHILE running a profitable business.

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