Episode 17 – The Secret To Freedom in Homeschooling and Business with Angie Askelsen

July 17, 2020

Do you ever wonder what Homeschool CEOs do to become successful in both homeschooling and running a business? The secret is in implementing systems.

My guest for today is Angie Askelsen, a veteran homeschool mom of 4 who also runs her own successful business as a certified Online Business Manager (OBM). Angie tells us how her love for organization inspired her not only to create systems for their homeschool but also to start a business that helps clients streamline and automate their processes. She also shares how creating systems help give us freedom as Homeschool CEOs.

What you'll learn

  • the benefits of creating systems in your business and home
  • how creating systems gives you freedom as a mom and business owner.
  • the difference between schedule vs routine and why Angie prefers to follow a routine rather than a rigid schedule
  • how she set up systems for her home and homeschool so that she can also have time for work
  • what hiring an Online Business Manager (OBM) can do for you and your business
  • the common issues on implementing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for business owners
  • how setting boundaries with our kids help protect us and make us better parents and Homeschool CEOs
  • her favorite project management tool that she loves to use for business that can be used for homeschooling too

Angie’s story definitely shows us that being more organized in both our homeschool and business plays a big role in our success. Her practical tips will surely help those of us who feel overwhelmed juggling life as a Homeschool CEO.


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There’s freedom in systems.
~ Jen
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While schedules are great I don’t like to be rigid. I like to kind of have a fluid routine that we follow.
~ Jen
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We grow more through the struggle than we do through the successes.
~ Jen
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When you’re starting to feel overwhelmed managing your team, that’s the time to start looking for an OBM.
~ Angie
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When you’re homeschooling, focus on them during that time and then I think they get filled up, then you can focus on your business.
~ Angie

Meet your host - Jen

With 20 years of entrepreneurship and homeschooling experience, I am on a mission to help entrepreneurs successfully homeschool their kids WHILE running a profitable business.

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